Cryptome CN publishes information, documents and opinions banned by the
People's Republic of China.
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Cryptome site.
A sends 15 Janaury 2010:
I thought you might be interested in the latest USCC annual report:
Information of interest includes:
Recent Chinese espionage activities targeting rocket launch data, space shuttle
technology, missile technology, naval warship data, UAV technology, thermal
imaging systems, military night vision systems, and design and electronics
systems' of the F35 Lightning II.
Enforcing visa restrictions on academics to encourage self-censorship.
Manipulating foreign companies to relocate to China where their technology
can be reverse engineered. The products are then produced domestically and
the foreign companies pushed out.
Name calls US law firms who are lobbying on behalf of China.
Name calls Chinese entities and front companies engaged in intelligence
A detailed rundown of current cyber operations, including Green Dam and Ghostnet.
Allegations of Chinese cyber involvement in the 2003 and 2007 US electric
grid blackouts.
Restrictions on the export of rare earth minerals used in high-technology
Also, here is the Annual Report To Congress: Military Power of the People's
Republic of China 2009. Every year China publicly expresses its outrage at
this report. The 2010 version will be out in March:
Lastly, the Cryptome CN site says it "publishes information, documents and
opinions banned by the People's Republic of China". So I thought I would
include a copy of Charter 08, a pro-democracy manifesto, and two key texts
of Falun Gong:
cn-mil-air2.htm People's Republic of China Military Air Bases 2 March 7, 2009
cn-bases.htm People's Republic of China Airports and Bases March 7, 2009
us-cn030609.htm US-China Economic and Security Review Commission March 6, 2009
CLR 2007 Circumvention Landscape Report March 5, 2009 (offsite)
tw-bases.htm Taiwan Airports and Air Bases March 2, 2009
cn-mil-air1.htm People's Republic of China Military Air Bases 1 March 2, 2009
ustr021709.htm WTO Dispute Settlement Regarding China February 16, 2009
Frog Hop China Will Use Cyberwarfare to Leapfrog Foes November 1, 2008 (offsite)
prc-tslc.htm PRC Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center Eyeball May 31, 2008
prc-xslc.htm PRC Xichang Satellite Launch Center Eyeball May 31, 2008
prc-nukes.htm China's Nuclear Weapons Facilities Eyeball May 28, 2008
cn-fuel-low.htm China Vehicle Fuel Shortage May 26, 2008
baozhusi-dam.htm Baozhusi Hydropower Plant and Dam Eyeball May 25, 2008
cn-npp.htm People's Republic of China Nuclear Power Plants May 24, 2008
cn-quake6.htm China Earthquake Photos 6 May 17, 2008
cn-quake5.htm China Earthquake Photos 5 May 16, 2008
zipingpu-dam.htm Chinese Zipingpu Dam Eyeball May 15, 2008
cn-quake4.htm China Earthquake Photos 4 May 15, 2008
cn-quake3.htm China Earthquake Photos 3 May 14, 2008
cn-quake2.htm China Earthquake Photos 2 May 14, 2008
cn-quake.htm China Earthquake Photos May 12, 2008
uscc042808.htm Hearing: CN's Cyber-Space Warfare Capabilities April 28, 2008
torch-thugs.htm Chinese Olympic Torch Thugs April 9, 2008
torch-protests.htm Olympic Torch Protests Photos April 7, 2008
cn-troops.htm Chinese Troops Converge in Tibetan Areas March 21, 2008
tibet-videos Censored Tibet March 2008 protest videos March 20, 2008 (offsite)
tibet080316.htm Tibet Protest Photos 080316-0317 March 18, 2008
tibet080315.htm Tibet Protest Photos 080315 March 15, 2008
cn-recruit.htm China Mainland Democracy Movement Recruiting May 26, 2007
CN Intel DoD Report on Pre-war PRC Intelligence May 26, 2007 (offsite)
SIOP 62 US Plan for PRC Nuclear Megadeath 1962 May 26, 2007 (offsite)
prc-mil-rise.pdf Chinese Military on the Rise (460KB) November 22, 2006
prc-mss.htm PRC Ministry of State Security Eyeball November 19, 2006
13m-quit-ccp.htm 13 Million Quit the Chinese Communist Party September 22, 2006
ucesrc081506.htm Hearing on Chinese WMD Aid to Iran/North Korea August 15, 2006
prc-ape.htm PRC-Ape Scientology Kills Another Web Site June 21, 2006
china-vise.htm China Tightens Vise on Internet June 6, 2006
gates-birdseye.htm Bill Gates Chinese Whorehouse Birdseye June 6, 2006
fbi-prc-spying.htm FBI Report: PRC Spying in the US - 1954 June 5, 2006
VOA USG Spammer March 3, 2006 (offsite)
cn-torture.htm CN Journalist Driven Insane by Prison Torture February 23, 2006
li-datong.htm The Letter of Li Datong (Freezing Point Editor) January 26, 2006
Iced China Closes Investigative Freezing Point January 26, 2006 (Offsite)
tiananmen-kill.htm Eyeballing Tiananmen Square Massacre January 24, 2006
massacre Tiananmen Square, 1989, Declassified History January 24, 2006 (Offsite)
CPJ Chinese Actions Against Journalists January 11, 2006 (Offsite)
IFEX Do Internet Companies Need FOI Regulation January 11, 2006 (Offsite)
ms-cave.htm Microsoft Shuts Blog's Site After PRC Complaints January 9, 2006 English, 6KB
cn-ny-birdseye.htm PRC Consulate-General in New York Birdseye January 9, 2006 English
cn-filter.pdf Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005 January 8, 2006 English, 1.7MB
cn-jp-us.pdf On Sino-Japanese Tensions and the US Approach January 8, 2006 English, 78KB
cn-bypass.pdf Circumventing Chinese Censorship January 8, 2006 (Offsite) Chinese, 535KB
cn-strain.pdf Chinese NatSec Decisionmaking Under Stress January 8, 2006 English, 942KB
cn-vanish.pdf Retaliation and Abuses Against Chinese Petitioners January 8, 2006 English, 957KB
Published on Cryptome earlier
cuw.htm Chinese Unrestricted Warfare January 18, 2000
cn-p3-peril.htm China Sees NatSec Threat in Intel PIII Serial Number July 2, 1999
cndocs-gertz.htm Secret Reports on Chinese Ballistic Missiles May 30, 1999
hr-cn-harm.htm House Report on NatSec Harm by China December 31, 1998
wass-hk-cn.htm Hong Kong/China Ape Wassenaar December 16, 1998
cn-missile.htm US Protests CC Shipment of Missile Tech to Iran December 8, 1998
dod1226-98.htm DoD Report on China's Military Modernization November 6, 1998
hr3616-1237.htm Reporting on Chinese Military in US September 24, 1998
fcm091798.htm DoD's Miller on Technology Transfers to China September 18, 1998
war091798.htm BXA's Reinsch on Chinese Satellite Exports September 18, 1998
jdh091798.htm State's Holum on Technology Transfers to China September 18, 1998
cn-sat-export.htm Senate Hearing on Transfer of Sat Tech to China September 17, 1998
dasch071798.htm Dacschle and Levin Answer Lott on China Probes July 20, 1998
hr463.htm Select Committee on Chinese Sat Exports July 16, 1998
lott071498.txt Senator Lott on Satellite Exports to China July 15, 1998
dod071498.htm DoD on DTRA, Chinese Satellites, TWA800 EMI July 14, 1998
jdh061898.htm Holum on US/Chinese Satellites July 14, 1998
jml061898.htm Lodal on US/Chinese Satellites July 14, 1998
war061898.htm Reinsch on US/Chinese Satellites July 14, 1998
ispf070898.htm Chinese Satellite Licenses July 14, 1998
nsa-ttc.htm NSA on Chinese Satellite Crypto Device July 14, 1998
cia-cn-spies CIA Honors Its China Spies July 5, 1998
cn-sat-aid.htm Security Violations by Sat Makers That Aided Chinese June 27, 1998
dod061898.htm Lodal Testimony on China Satellite Exports June 18, 1998
dos061898.htm Holum Testimony on China Satellite Exports June 18, 1998
bxa061898.htm Reinsch Testimony on Satellite Export Policy June 18, 1998
daley-oped.htm Commerce Secretary: Satellites, Exports, NatSec June 5, 1998
cnspy-tiz.htm Terminal Project Caught up in Spy Tiz June 10, 1998
us-cn-sat.htm How China Won Rights to Launch U.S. Satellites May 17, 1998
prc-prolif.htm China's Proliferation Activity March 14, 1998
cn-netreg.htm New Internet Regs Codify PRC Internet Practice January 20, 1998
china-rc.htm China-Related Challenges July 4, 1997
ita-china.htm ITA Rules Against China June 11, 1997
peking.htm Peking March 27, 1997
Congressional Research Service Reports on China (Thanks to Wikileaks and UNT Libraries) Added 14 February 2009
crs-96-246.htm Taiwan: Texts of the Taiwan Relations Act May 21, 1998
crs-96-272.htm China: U.S. Economic Sanctions October 1, 1997 October 1, 1997
crs-96-566.htm Europe and China — An Emerging Relationship June 21, 1996
crs-96-518.htm China's Rising Power: Alternate US NatSec Strategies June 6, 1996
crs-96-940.htm Disapproving China's Most-Favored-Nation Status May 31, 1996
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